New programming language for Ethereum ---

Ethereum Programming Language Vyper New Version Released v0.3.10 ***

Ethereum Programming Language Vyper New Version Released v0.3.10
Wollito Admin
Thursday 7th of September 2023 12:30:00 PM 3 min read

Breaking changes:

  • Add runtime code layout to initcode.
  • Drop evm versions through istanbul.
  • Remove vyper signature from runtime.

Non-breaking changes and improvements:

  • O(1) selector tables.
  • Implement bound= in ranges.
  • Add optimization mode to vyper compiler.
  • Improve batch copy performance.

Previously, a vulnerability analysis report was released for the Vyper compiler, with the vulnerability fixed and tested in version v0.3.10.

Vyper is a newer language for Ethereum development. It was released in 2018; Like Solidity, this is a statically typed language. It is written in the same syntax that the Python programming language uses, which is simpler than Solidity code. This language ensures a high level of security for smart contracts. Because this language has fewer features than Solidity, it makes it less vulnerable to security threats.

Overall, this is a valuable tool for developers who want to build decentralized applications and write smart contracts on the Ethereum platform. Its simple syntax, security features, and performance make it an attractive choice for developers looking to create powerful, secure, and efficient smart contracts.



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